Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Travelling Alone

Today I leave for an eight-day business trip (two association conferences I'm attending) and have mixed emotions about going. This is the very kind of trip that my partner would have made with me. When we opened the business, one of the benefits was that we could travel to fun, interesting places like this, inexpensively. Because he was retired, he could be a tourist in the day while I was at the conference.

The two conference I'll attend have a lot of interesting sessions and I will know a lot of people at both events. Just the same, I’m not all that excited about it (and I'm not talking about the problems with airlines and airports and all the delays). There are lots of single people and many married people whose spouses never come to these events, so I won’t be a fifth wheel. But not having someone to share it with takes much of the joy out of these long trips. I don’t mean to whine (and hope it doesn’t sounds like that). This is just all new, uncomfortable, and at times, exhausting. I am pushing myself for good reason, but not enjoying the ride. I just hate feeling like this.

Last night I was so close to not going, for no particular reason. I didn't sleep well, or enough (a problem lately). but I'm up, almost packed and going. Will I ever get used to this?

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